The purpose of this blog

Having grown up being taught that prayer is a series of "steps" to say "thanks" to God, and "oh by the way, I need stuff," I came to the conclusion that for the most part, my prayers were bouncing off the ceiling (if they even made it that far). The purpose of these daily faith-based mantras is to bridge the gap between behaving and becoming. In other words, if I focus on a thought or a theme daily and ponder it throughout the day, it gives me the opportunity to "become" my prayer. My hope is that eventually, this sort of thing will not be necessary, and the "process" will become a part of me internally. I will BE the mantra.

My intention is to start the day reading the thought, then spend a few minutes absorbing the mantra (through repetition during meditation). Then, throughout the day I will ponder the thought, and hopefully it will be internalized and be manifested in my actions. It's all a big experiment, so we'll see how it goes. If it is of value to you, that is great. If not, no problem. Hope your day is excellent anyway.