Friday, January 7, 2011

Here we go.

Sometimes as I'm walking somewhere, for no good reason I'll look down to see what rocks lay about. Without fail, almost every time there is one within my view that is interesting. As I pick it up, I will think, "I'm sure this is the first time human hands have touched this rock. And yet there it is, sitting  in all it's loveliness, having sat for eons waiting to share with me." I enjoy the colors, the textures, the shapes and weight in my hand of a good rock. And even if it is dull on the outside, a little spit and rub on my jeans and it's good to go. I don't collect these rocks, because if I did, there would be a pile ten feet deep in my basement. Besides, there is always another rock just waiting to be discovered.

Let's face it, no one is reading this, and chances are it will go by unnoticed. This will be like a little rock that just sits there. You know what, that's perfectly great. I'd prefer it remain that way. My experience, though, is that the human race (and everything on the earth, for that matter) is so interconnected, that there will be some who stumble upon the this blog and find it useful. If so, God bless you in your journey. If it is anything like mine, there is wonder at every turn.

My plan is to start posting these mantras and thoughts next week, along with a personal experience here and there (explaining why I'm doing this in the first place). I'm a newbie to this stuff, so it will be a fun ride, I'm sure. I will also begin my prayer/mantra experience in earnest at that time. It's so nice to be able to procrastinate (I'm a master at that for sure).